works in progress

linked on this page are works that are in progress and order is how-done-they-are/how-planned-out-they-are

(things are in [brackets] because they're not concrete yet)

[In Love with the Enemy]

[The In Love with the Enemy is a Contemporary Fantasy universe that is divided into three phases. Phase One is an experimental exploration of telling different background stories of characters from Phase Two, in different mediums (i.e. an epic poem, a screenplay, scraps of documents, [more]). Phase Two is a true linear story. Phase Three is where Charlotte Harper tortures the children of characters from the previous phases (it's because she hates joy).]

Lifetime of a World

[A collection of shortstories set in a fantasy world. It's meant to mirror the vices of man, man's destruction, and man's end.]

[Cursed Pirate]

[A Found Family, but Pirates.

Set in a fantasy world where different countries that sport different Punk Genres and have been deeply broken for too long. Spurred more by love and wish to show thanks to their Captain for good life lived, our Pirates are minipulated into saving the world.]

[M vs. H]

[Was a NaNoWriMo fail]